Houston, TX, September 21, 2020 – The Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance Women’s Business Center (WBEA WBC) is going virtual with this year’s Women’s Business & Entrepreneurial Conference. The event titled, “ONE·Der Women” will feature a Women of Color, “It’s Our Time” Power Hour; Distinguished Keynote and Moderator of the Power Hour, Ms. Sery E. Kim, Esq., is Assistant Administrator in the Office of Women’s Business Ownership for the Small Business Administration. The WBEA WBC virtual conference will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 29 from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm.
The WBEA WBC task is to equip and connect women entrepreneurs for building scalable businesses. The Symposium will deliver game changing content providing women with information and strategies to help build their brand, navigate establishment, protect their assets, and break down barriers to accessing capital. The “ONE·Der Women” theme hopes to spotlight just how powerful women in business can be when coming together as ONE. Out of one we are many!
Conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend dynamic sessions featuring encouraging speakers and dynamic panelists. Throughout the day, they will learn about different “superpowers” to help them grow professionally and personally. These panels will be filled with subject matter experts focusing on a range of topics from building a business ecosystem, branding and process strategy for accessing capital.
The women entrepreneurial community will also hear from Keynote Speaker, certified Women’s Business Enterprise Renee Morris, President of Uncle Funky’s Daughter Haircare Company. Morris will share her journey from corporate employment to entrepreneurship. Timothy Jeffcoat, Houston District Director for the US Small Business Administration will provide a briefing on the State of Women Businesses in Texas.
The last hour of the Symposium is dedicated to the Women of Color “It’s Our Time” Power Hour. The Moderator, Sery Kim, Esq., will open the dialogue with panel and audience participation. The Power Hour will highlight the importance of pivoting during this climate to re-strategize using the WBEA WBC, SBA and other resources and community partners to build businesses that change lives and impact communities.
“We will also shine a spotlight on trends in Racial/Ethnic Diversity. We’ll highlight current numbers for firms owned by Women of Color. While the number of women-owned businesses grew 21% from 2014 to 2019, firms owned by women of color grew at double that rate (43%). Numbers for African American/Black women grew even faster at 50%. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (41%), Latina/Hispanic (40%), Asian American (37%) and Native American/Alaska Native (26%) businesses grew more slowly than other women of color in general but faster than overall women owned businesses and all businesses”, Quoted by America Express.